Find a Maison Henri de Borniol funeral home
Maison Henri de Borniol can meet and advise you at any of its four branches in Paris (7th, 8th, 16th and 17th districts) and its branch in Neuilly-sur-Seine.
122 Rue de Grenelle
75007 - PARIS 07
* Outside business hours, you can contact us via our toll-free phone helpline: 31 23, available 24/7, including Sundays and bank holidays.
50 Boulevard Malesherbes
75008 - PARIS 08
* Outside business hours, you can contact us via our toll-free phone helpline: 31 23, available 24/7, including Sundays and bank holidays.
74 Rue de la Pompe
75016 - PARIS 16
* Outside business hours, you can contact us via our toll-free phone helpline: 31 23, available 24/7, including Sundays and bank holidays.
66 Avenue des Ternes
75017 - PARIS 17
* Outside business hours, you can contact us via our toll-free phone helpline: 31 23, available 24/7, including Sundays and bank holidays.
111 Avenue Achille Peretti
* Outside business hours, you can contact us via our toll-free phone helpline: 31 23, available 24/7, including Sundays and bank holidays.
Are you in charge of making funeral arrangements? Your branch will assist you in this difficult time and offer you a service that meets your specific.